1866 Legacy Society
The 1866 Legacy Society honors those who have included The College of Wooster in their estate plans or have established one of several planned gifts.
Planned gifts include bequests through a will or living trust, beneficiary designations of a retirement plan or life insurance policy, or a deferred gift
that will provide an income for life, such as a charitable gift annuity or a charitable trust.
Members of the 1866 Legacy Society and their gifts make it possible for Wooster to continue its unique tradition of teaching, research, and learning.
Providing students with an invaluable, one of a kind academic experience, is made possible by donors who saw Wooster's promise. With the support of such
alumni, parents, and friends Wooster will continue to provide a rigorous and dynamic liberal arts education for tomorrow's leaders and thinkers. When you
include Wooster in your estate plans, you help us fulfill the promise of tomorrow.
If you have already included Wooster in your estate plans and we are not aware of this, please inform us of your intentions by contacting the Office of
Planned Giving at 330-263-2390 or [email protected]. You can also share your intentions by completing
and returning our 1866 Form to the Office of Planned Giving at 1189 Beall Ave, Wooster, OH 44691.
If you are considering including Wooster in your estate plans and would like more information or to speak with the Director of Planned Giving, please call 330.263.2390.